Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Couples CHALLENGE!! Benefits of working out as a COUPLE!

Should couples workout together? Yay or Nay?

There's plenty of research out there that states that exercise is important and gives you many benefits to help you live a long and healthy life. No doubt about it! But what about doing it as a couple to possibly enhance your love life? True or False?

You've probably already heard the saying, "A couple who workouts out together, stays together" right? Is it true or are they just saying that?

I will tell you from my experience.... it's TRUE!!

One reason I think this is true is because, you have somebody there to help motivate you and push you when you don't feel like getting up and doing the workout! Your accountability lives with you, so you have no excuses. They can literally push you to do your workout! Couples who work out together are 7 times more likely to stick to the program and be consistent than people who just work out by themselves. Think about it. When you go to the gym right after the New Years, the gym is PACKED right?! Then probably by end of Feb beginning of March, the numbers slowly dwindling until the same people that really are the consistent gym rats are still there. Why is that?! They lose motivation and they don't have anybody to keep them accountable. They stop going, oh nobody will notice. But if it's a couple, the other one will notice or just push them to not quit before they even think about it.

Not only with the workouts but eating will definitely be helpful when you're both trying to eat healthy. It would make it much harder to eat healthy when your significant other is eating pizza, wings and beer right?!

Improved Relationship
Because both of you are going through the same challenges, this will help to make it stronger. When you make goals together and help each other move towards those goals, you are forming more bonds and rekindling that fire again. It also gives you that quality time that only you 2 can share as you get closer. Those sweaty sessions too could get hot and steamy if you know what I mean :-) wink wink lol. But true story, you do get stronger!!! Relationship strong and muscle strong!

Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals
According to an article on, when your partner knows how important it is for you to reach your goals, they are more likely to help you towards it! Whether it be trying out a new workout with you or just being more active in general. A recent study of couples showed that average-weight husbands who care about fitness engage in more physical activity when their wives offer more supported health related comments. And it makes the process more fun having somebody there to offer you the support that you need when times get rough and challenging! 

Both me and my husband LOVE food. But when I was struck with the news that I have High Blood pressure (Hypertension), I was devastated. I'm a nurse so I knew what I had to do. We're the worst patients though because we don't practice what we preach. I knew this whole time I should be watching what I ate. Both my parents have high blood pressure so I knew genetics was gonna catch up to me eventually. But I didn't do anything about it until it was actually a problem. Bad idea. So when I decided I was going to change my diet, no salts added to anything and going towards more of a vegetarian diet, I was scared! I knew that my husband didn't need to do anything with his diet, but what surprised me was he actually started reading this book about nutrition and he's the one that made the first steps into changing our diets! I was surprised but it definitely makes it so much easier when he knew how important this was to me! So kudos to my husband for helping me with this change!

Friendly Competition
Who doesn't like to engage in friendly competition? Not only does being competitive make it more fun, it also pushes you harder and get to your goals faster! You can push each other, give feedback and tips to help you with certain exercises. 

Me and my husband are just competitive in nature. We first did the Beachbody Challenge of T25 together at the beginning of this year and he was actually chosen as one of the daily Beachbody Challenge winners. He won $500 just for doing the challenge! And I was definitely happy for him, but jealous at the same time lol. Of course I would have loved to win that money as well because I'm just so competitive, but now I'm pushing myself even harder so that I can get awesome results from my current challenge!

SO because I enjoy working out with my husband so much, I'm am holding a SPECIAL COUPLES CHALLENGE FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE!!!

All you need is a Beachbody Fitness Program and Shakeology!! What you bring to the table is up to you and your partner! Winner will get the CASH PRIZE (which every time I have a couple entered into the challenge, a percentage of my commission will go towards this pot. Winner takes all!)

Winners will be selected based on a points system. So the more you participate, the more points you earn.

Before & After Photos need to be submitted to me. (not required to post to the group, everything will be kept private. But sharing is encouraged)

Before & After Measurements need to be submitted as well.

Final transformation photos will be judged by 3 random coaches :-)

For more info email me @


Make a FREE Team Beachbody Account on my account at


Purchase your challenge pack through my website and click on Beachbody Challenge, then click on Challenge Packs and select your fitness program and pick your Shakeology!!

Don't forget to FRIEND REQUEST me on FACEBOOK!

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