Sooooo.... I've been MIA for a bit and after a whole months plus of stress, I am in HUGE need of a recharge. My husband has left for his deployment and I will stay strong while he is gone. Love you lots, you are my inspiration to keep going every day. In no time you will be home! In the mean time, due to me not being able to commit to my Figure Competition Training, I'm sad to report that I dropped from that training. I am sad because I feel like I have failed, BUT I will eventually get back to that in the future. Of course I took this really hard because I was on the right track and I've given it my all up to this point. But I can't dwell on it and what's more important to me was staying focused on my husband at that time. With that being said, that is on my bucket list of things that I want to accomplish, BUT I want to do it and walk on that stage knowing that I gave it my 100%. In the mean time, I will be traveling and visiting family and friends in my hometown of Chicago. Therefore, due to lack of equipment that I may have, I have taken it upon myself to FINALLY COMPLETE Insanity for the FIRST TIME!! Yes... I've tried that program TWICE and have FAILED to complete. But this time, I WILL DO IT!!

Here was some of my progress that I did have and look forward to getting back to it when the time is right :-)
During this time, I have been reading up some interesting things about just different types of diets that are out there. I'm not for or against any diet, nor do I work for any company that pushes a certain diet. Each person is different and depending on their health and fitness goals, may practice a certain "diet". I'm not here to prove one works better than the other. I based picking this one diet in particular because of all the research that is coming out about it. What I tell everyone, is to do your own research and see if it's a fit for you!
The book that I'm reading is Grain Brain. It is crazy about some of the stuff the doctor brings up in this book, which I will start reviewing with several blogs. My husband read the whole book and had already started to cut out all the gluten due to the symptoms they were describing and it was actually amazing at the changes he already felt from avoiding all things with gluten! I know what you're thinking, this is another craze fad diet..... however, research is stating otherwise!

So my challenge for myself that I will be doing is going gluten free and basically following a low carb, high fat diet. No that doesn't mean I'm giving up my carbs at all. I'm actually eating my carbs with veggies with most of my meals. The macros I'm shooting for, with possible changes in the future as I play it by ear will be 15/40/50 (carb/protein/fat). The thing that intrigued me the most is basically getting your body adapted to use fat as your primary fuel source. High in fat is portrayed as a "bad" part of your diet by the media because it makes you fat. BUT that's not the case if you're using healthy fats (coconut oil, nuts, seeds, avocados....etc). So I really want to see what this kind of "diet" can do for me. I'm also going to track my blood pressure as well.
With this diet, I'm committing to doing a high intensity program called Insanity. I've never finished this program fully and because I'll be traveling and not living in my house for a bit and not have much access to equipment, this workout program is perfect! So this with a new diet, I'm hoping for just fantastic results!!
I hope you follow my journey and I'm always looking for others to do this with me!
If you are struggling with getting started or struggling to just lose weight and stick to a plan, I can help you! I love helping people and figuring out what can work for them.
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