Monday, June 30, 2014


Alright and so my journey for p90x3 has come to an end. I'm sad.. and I will miss seeing Tony Horton every day, but that doesn't mean my fitness journey ends. And what's nice about these programs is that I have the program at home and I can just pop in any workout I wanna do that day! Easy!

So this last month on the Mass Schedule, I basically alternated between Month 1 and Month 2 each week. Month 2 was more on building MASS and now I was basically building on my strength and working on the definition. Because each day was different, it definitely kept my body guessing. I mean, I was SORE ALL THE TIME! But, it was a good satisfying soreness.

Each day, because I tracked everything on the worksheets that are provided for you on, I pushed myself each time. And my challenge group definitely helped as I was put into a challenge group with other people doing the same program and it was awesome because we ended up being on the same day of the program!

But seriously, when I did the first p90x, back when I was like 23 or something, I didn't not finish it! I did it for a good maybe month, but I sorta just lost motivation and just started skipping workouts until I just wasn't doing it anymore. And this time I actually took my before photos.

Well, that's enough talking about the whole journey... but I would just like to say... these results happened even when I went to Las Vegas for a WEEK!! So you can do it and still cheat a bit. 80/20 rule I like to live by!! It's a lifestyle change and not a DIET! This whole 90 day program I was following a clean eating diet, about 2400 calories per day and drinking Shakeology to replace one meal a day to give my body the dense nutrition that it needs to help me on this journey!

And here are the results!

Here are my STATS:
Gained 7lbs!! (it's a good thing, I was trying to put on some healthy weight)
Gained 1.5inches on each of my biceps
Gained 1.5 inches on each of my quads/thighs
Waist stayed the same
Hips I gained 1.5 inches 
Chest I gained 1 inch

Overall I'm happy with my results! I'm definitely stronger because when I started this p90x3 journey, I can only do 2 pull-ups. And now without stopping I can do 8 pull-ups... 10 (which was my goal) I can do if I took a second break! so definitely stronger! AND i can see the definition a lot nicer now! But all this discipline has now sparked my interest and I'm happy to share with you that I will be competing in my first FIGURE COMPETITION Oct of this year in Ft Lauderdale, FL! I'm excited... i've already got myself a coach (gotta train with the best!) and I'm excited to see where this next journey takes me!

With that being said... clean eating, daily exercise and putting your mind to it makes a huge difference!

If you are struggling with something or trying to get on the right path and don't know where to begin... send me a message and we can talk about what's going on and what can work for you. Every individual is different and what may work for me, might not work for you, but we can always figure it out together!

Email me @
Comment in the comments section below and we'll schedule a time to talk!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


So I get a lot of questions as to why I drink Shakeology. They say that I don't have to lose weight, or I can't do that because I need to eat real food. Or It's too expensive and I can't afford that.... blah blah blah! What they really don't know is that they haven't even done their own research!

This information is based off of a fellow coach named Seay Stanford and I had the pleasure of listening to her presentation on Shakeology at the Coach Summit 2014 in Las Vegas and this girl knows her stuff! She used to be a pharmaceutical rep so she's used to knowing and being the expertise on her products.

So this blog is going to go over the 5 common misconceptions people have about Shakeology.

Well yes, it's a shake that has some protein in it, but it's not just a protein shake. When you look at any other protein shake, that's just what you get. Whey protein is just a shake with extra protein in it. Shakeology is a very nutrient dense shake that can be used to replace any meal providing you with your daily dose of fruits and veggies. It's a MEAL REPLACEMENT! Not only that, it comes with 70+ superfood ingredients that you'll get in one serving... all for about 170 calories! There's no way that you can substitute this type of nutrition while cutting calories. A glass of Shakeology is equivalent to 6 salads! Ok so I do love a good salad, but I couldn't imagine eating like 5-6 salads in one sitting to get my nutrients.. and also keeping it at a reasonable calorie count. Most of the time when people are trying to lose weight or get healthy, they are cutting their calories so much that they are becoming deficient in their nutrients as well. This doesn't make the weight loss process any smoother than they are making it.

MYTH #2 
Shakeology is about comparing carbs, proteins, and fats to other shakes.
Nice rule of thumb when looking at any nutritional facts for anything. QUALITY vs QUANTITY! Yes when you compare Shakeology to other shakes, oh this shake might have less carbs. Do you ever ask yourself why? What are they hiding and what are they adding instead? Browse through the ingredients and if it claims it's got "0" sugar... they are most likely using an artificial sweetener such as sucralose. (that is a big one to look for). Artificial sweeteners are a big no no and have been researched and is showing that it causes cancer. So why put something that would cause you harm because it gives you less carbs? Also, when looking at carbs, real fruit even contains sugars! So if another protein powder claims real fruit but says "0" grams of sugar.... hmmmm... what have they added instead. Probably something artificial! Shakeology is also low on the glycemic index so that it helps to stabilize blood sugar levels in the body and therefore helps to maintain weight! Shakeology has NO artificial sweeteners, NO artificial colors, NO soy, NO artificial stimulants and NO artificial flavors. 

Shakeology is a bunch of extracts, with no whole-food ingredients.
NOT TRUE! Shakeology has a team of experts that actually go around the world importing these super foods from the countries of origin. Whenever it's possible and sustainable for the formula, the super foods in Shakeology are preserved in their whole-food state to retain maximum nutrient value. It's very difficult to use whole, plant-based ingredients while also making sure the formula retains as much nutritional value as possible. Shakeology has a whole team of scientists that actually go around the world finding these super foods and making sure that the quality is there! You've probably seen all the powders in the health markets that you can add Acai this to your drink and Goji Berry powder to your drink. But what about trying to fit in all those super fruits and juicing them to get what Shakeology has?! Probably IMPOSSIBLE!

Shakeology is EXPENSIVE
First off, evaluate what you are eating on a daily basis. Let's say breakfast. If you don't eat breakfast, let's say lunch. How much do you spend? On average, a person probably spends around $4-$8. An average meal at mcdonald's complete with a drink is around $6-$7 right? What kind of nutrition are you getting from that meal? Right. How about a healthy meal? Probably even more expensive. The point is, the quality of nutrition that you are getting from Shakeology really can't be beat. And if you are already a person that says, Oh I don't even eat breakfast, even more reason for you to drink Shakeology! Did you know research shows that people who skip breakfast tend to eat more throughout the day and tends to gain more weight than people who ate breakfast? Shakeology is $4.33 per shake AND you get all your nutrients (fruits and veggies and MORE) all in that one glass! It's on the low end of average money wise! So definitely affordable!

Shakeology is for weight loss
Ok, so I think society just has it in their heads that anything in shake form is for weight loss. Looking at just the facts, when you have a deficit of calories in your diet you will lose weight. End of story. But the fat that most people are looking to lose won't just melt away. And actually when people end up becoming deficient in their nutrients, their weight loss progress stops. Shakeology is about HEALTH. It's giving you the nutrients that your body needs to help this process in order to heal, repair and sustain all the damage that your body is enduring through all this exercise! By giving your body the proper nutrients, you are not only going to feel more energy, have LESS cravings and just feel better overall so that you can be more active. With Shakeology, weight loss is a byproduct of dense nutrition. Think back to the last time you tried dieting. How did you feel? I know the last time I tried dieting and cutting carbs, I was grouchy, tired and I just craved junk food even more! Yup, I was deficient in my nutrients. Now usually what I do suggest for people not trying to lose weight, obviously you can use this as a base. Think of it as taking your vitamins and supplements by shake form (delicious might I add!). You can add more to it to add more calories like bananas, peanut butter or greek yogurt.. or even an extra scoop of all natural whey protein!

In conclusion.... there is nothing like Shakeology on the market! Just remember when choosing something, learn to read the ingredients. If that powder has soy, artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners I would stay clear. Shakeology is really the healthiest meal of the day. It's a solution for complete nutrition! Everybody can benefit from better nutrition and NOW Shakeology is clinically proven! 

Watch this video and see what Shakeology can do for you!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shakeology's Powerful Superfood Formula- Proprietary Super-Fruit/Antioxidant Blend (PART 2)

Here is the continuation to Part 1 of Shakeology's Powerful superfood formula... for a recap visit here!!

So PART 2! 
Proprietary Super-Fruit/Antioxidant Blend.
This blend helps to provide antioxidant support and promotes a healthy heart and optimal blood pressure.

You may be wondering, why do we need antioxidants and why is it important to our health. Here is just a little overview of why you will benefit from antioxidants in your daily lives! Free radicals are substances that occur naturally in our bodies but attack the DNA in our cells which can cause different types of diseases and accelerate the aging process. Free radicals not only can be generated from our bodies, but we are exposed to many different free radicals in our everyday lives, from the food or air that we breathe. Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate these changes in our DNA before they cause vital molecules to be damaged. Therefore, decreasing your risk of certain diseases.... etc.

Think about going to your local grocery store or health store and going down the aisle of all natural herbal and health remedies. It can be very overwhelming... and when you add everything up, can be quite expensive. Well Shakeology helps to solve your problems! Below I'm going to go over all of the Superfruit/Antioxidants that people search for and pay lots of money to be able to add that into their diets daily. And with Shakeology, you can get a dose of these in just one glass a day! No pills necessary! You've probably heard of some of these popular super fruits because either celebrities or models help them to make them feel younger and have nicer skin. Again, antioxidants help to reverse the damage of these free radicals and helps to slow the aging process!! That's wonderful news!

This is a fruit found in the Amazon rain forests of Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, and Columbia.
This has said to increase energy and maintain healthy gums, eyes and skin. 
It is used as an antioxidant and helps to stimulate the immune system. 
It's said to be used for some viral infections and the common cold. 
This fruit contains many nutrients including Vit C, beta-carotene, fatty acids, protein and others. 
Some have said this is the secret to the fountain of youth
Some studies have suggested that foods rich in Vitamin C like this fruit may help to lower rates of cancer (including skin, cervical and possibly even breast cancer)

Also another fruit found in the Amazon rain forests and has also been nicknamed the "Beauty Berry" because of it's combination of antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids
Helps slow the agin process by boosting immune and metabolic function and removing destructive free radicals in our bodies.
It surprisingly has a good amount of protein.

Acerola Cherry
This fruit is found in the Caribbean and northern parts of South America and also India.
It's packed with 65 x more Vitamin C than in 1 orange. (right behind Camu Camu).
Double the amount of Vit B5, magnesium and potassium of oranges.
Other nutrients it contains is Vit A, B1, B2, B3, calcium, iron and phosphorous.
Has been known to help people with the common colds and helps to strengthen the immune system.
Also because of the Vitamin C, it helps to prevent heart disease and against cancers as well.

It is a plant that contains tannins which help reduce inflammation. It's been shown evidence that this can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Contains natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal compounds and helps to boost immune system.
Another thing that research shows is they have flavonoids which may also help improve circulation in people with diabetes.
It also has the highest concentration of protein of any fruit.
Loaded with Vitamin C, carotenoids, minerals and high in fiber.

Goji Berry
You've probably heard about this in the market and companies coming out with juices to add this in but what's so special about this berry.
Comes from a shrub in China and it is very rich in nutrients.
Common health problems that it's said to help is diabetes, blood pressure, fever. It also has benefits to increase mental well-being and calmness
Green Tea

Luo Han Guo
This is a plant found in China that has been used for many years as a natural sweetener. This has also shown to have antioxidant properties and anti-cancer effects.

Native of Persia, it is nutrient dense and very rich in antioxidants.
Has been shown many amazing clinical results. A compound called punicalagin is found in this fruit, and it has been responsible for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. It also helps to increase the speed of reversing atherosclerosis (what blocks the heart and causes a heart attack). (2. Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Gaitini D, et al. Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation. Clin Nutr 2004;23(3):423-33.) Studies have shown that when they had a clinical study of heart patients with severe carotid artery blockages, when given pomegranate juice each day for a year, not only did their blood pressures lower by over 12% but there was a 30% reduction in atherosclerotic plaque! This happened while the other patients who did not drink pomegranate juice, their atherosclerotic plaque increased by 9%. 

Rose Hips
This is a fruit of a rose.
Great source of Vitamin C, about 50% more than oranges. Because of this, it's an excellent immune booster and often used to treat colds.
Also a great source of Vitamin A which helps to fight off infections. Some complementary medical doctors use this to help treat wounds and inflammations.
They contain a variety of antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids, polyphenols, leucoanthoycyanins and catechins to help decrease risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

PART 3 COMING SOON!!! So much benefits to Shakeology already and we're not even halfway done!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


You've been hearing this ever since you've been a kid, but breakfast really is the most important meal of the day!! So a great ratio of carbs and protein is a must and starting off with a great breakfast will not only set the tone for you for the rest of the day, but it will help you to stay full longer and maintain more energy!! Your waistline will also thank you because many studies have shown, that people who eat breakfast have a slimmer waistline. Why? They are less likely to grab a donut at work because of an early sugar crash that's needed to stay awake. So less snacking = less calories = slimmer waistline! GOT IT?!

Here's a great breakfast to start with!! Oatmeal with egg whites!

1/4 cup water
2 tablespoon old-fashioned rolled oats
1/2 scoop whey protein powder your flavor or choice
2 tablespoon unsweetened almond milk, warmed
1 teaspoon slivered raw almonds
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large hard-boiled eggs, yolks discarded
1 dash sea salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
1/2 cup fresh raspberries

1) Bring water to boil in small saucepan over medium heat. Add oats; cook, stirring frequently, for 4-5 minutes. Remove from heat.
2) Place oatmeal in medium serving bowl. Add protein powder and almond milk; mix well
3) Top with almonds and cinnamon.
4) Season egg whites with salt and cayenne
5) Serve oatmeal with egg whites and raspberries on the side.

Nutritional Facts:
Calories: 201
Fat: 4g
Sat Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 18mg
Sodium: 477mg
Carbohydrate: 19g
Fiber: 6g
Sugar: 5g
Protein: 23g

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Beast Turkey Chili

Who doesn't like a good chili! This has great flavors with the cumin and I like making mine spicy and adding extra cayenne pepper for a great kick!! What's great about this is that it gives you the lean protein that you need without feeling guilty! It's definitely a guiltless comfort food... and 1 1/2 Cups for 1 serving is definitely plenty to fill you up and keep you full! Nice and hearty!

Makes 4 servings, 1 1/2 cups each
Total Time: 50min
Prep Time: 15min
Cooking Time: 35min

1 teaspoon olive oil
1 1/2 pounds lean ground turkey meat
1 medium white onion, chopped
1 medium green bell pepper, chopped
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 (15oz) can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 (15oz) can tomato sauce (no sugar added)
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

1) Heat oil in large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add turkey, onion, bell pepper and garlic.
2) Cook, stirring occasionally for 10 minutes or until turkey is no longer pink.
3) Add cumin, chili powder, salt and cayenne pepper; stir and cook for 1 minute.
4) Stir in kidney beans and tomato sauce; bring to a boil.
5) Reduce heat to low and gently simmer, stirring occasionally, for 15-20 minutes or until thickened
6) Serve warm sprinkled with parsley.

Nutritional Info:
Calories: 433
Fat: 16g
Sat Fat: 4g
Cholesterol: 117mg
Sodium: 794mg
Carb: 33g
Fiber: 11g
Sugar: 10g
Protein: 43g
Recipe Courtesy of the Body Beast Program pg 89

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Shakeology's Powerful Superfood Formula- Proprietary Super-Protein Blend (Part 1)

Unleashing Shakeology's Powerful Superfood Formula!

Part 1: Proprietary Super-Protein Blend

Shakeology really is my healthiest meal of the day... but I get asked all the time... What's so good about it? I don't like protein shakes or I already have one. I can find a cheaper brand. They either don't know what it is or they just haven't done their research on what is actually in Shakeology.

So, I'm going to go over some of the awesome ingredients that you'll find that can benefit you in MANY ways and maybe you'll think twice about adding it to diet :-)

For the next couple of days, I will be blogging about the unique proprietary blends that Shakeology is known for and some of the superfood ingredients that are responsible for the benefits that it will give you.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT to keep in mind
One response that I get a lot is, "oh I eat clean so that wouldn't fit into my lifestyle." While "clean" eating is a term that means different things to different people, Beachbody holds Shakeology to a very high standard of whole food nutrition. They make it their mission to source the purest, most natural ingredients (nothing artificial) for the product. All formulas are free from soy. The vegan formulas (which is the example i'll be using when educating you on the ingredients) feature no animal proteins, and no vitamin/mineral isolates.

For today, I'll be going over the proprietary super-protein blend which is in Shakeology!
These ingredients that fall into this powerful nutrient category called proteins and amino acids. (include Sacha Inchi, Chia, Flax, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown Rice and Pea.) These are very important elements to help build and repair muscles, reduce hunger and food cravings, support optimal brain function, improve your mood, and promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. The bottom line is, your body NEEDS proteins and amino acids to thrive and Shakeology has that for you!
Sacha Inchi
- Great source of Vitamin E and Omega-3 fatty acids.
- Used for weight loss. This is found to have an unusually high level of tryptophan, which is an amino acid essential to the production of serotonin (which helps to regulate appetite). So in theory, it may help aid in weight loss by increasing your serotonin production, keeping your appetite in check, therefore reducing food intake.

- Excellent source Omega-3,antioxidants, protein and fiber.
- Helps you to feel full longer 
- stabilize blood sugar levels 
- increase energy

- Omega-3, antioxidant and fiber
- Some research shows evidence of decreasing risk of heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer

While most people think that quinoa is a grain, it's actually the seed of a leafy green plant and a not so distant dousing to spinach, chard, and beets.
- Great source of COMPLETE protein! This means that it contains ALL 9 essential amino acids, which is rare among plant-based foods. It's even been known to outrank the protein found in milk products!
- Loaded with lysine, which is vital for bone development because it helps absorb calcium. It also balances nitrogen in the body which is needed to produce antibodies, enzymes, hormones and collagen. Also helps to reduce cholesterol. It also repairs tissue damage.
- Loaded with lots of vitamins and minerals... just to name a few.. phosphorous, iron, B-vitamins, potassium, riboflavin, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, folic acid and Vit E.
- Low on the glycemic index, meaning it doesn't spike up your insulin levels due to a rapid increase of blood sugar levels. This in turn helps you to maintain weight and keep your cholesterol levels healthy.

- A plant, not a grain
- High in minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorous and carotenoids.
- Great source of protein more than oats and rice
- Has phytochemical compounds like rutin and nicotiflorin which help to lower blood pressure and incidences of cancer.
- Has lunasin, which helps in lowering incidences of chronic disease, such as inflammation, diabetes, heart disease and stroke

Brown Rice
- Unrefined
- Rich in selenium(reducing common illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis), manganese (benefits nervous and reproductive systems)
- Heartier and fiber packed, better alternative to white rice
- Boosts metabolism and burns fat. Promotes weight loss because it makes you feel more full and helps with bowel regularity.
- Rich in antioxidants

- Excellent amino acid profile providing you with an array of essential and non essential amino acids
- High lysine content, helping to convert fatty acids into energy and helping to lower cholesterol. Also helps your bones to absorb more calcium to take care of your bones, cartilage, skin, tendons... etc
- Branched chain amino acids

That was my Part 1 of Shakeology's Powerful Superfood Formula... check back later in the week for the next part of the formula!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Shrimp Coconut Curry in a Hurry

(Makes 1 serving, multiply by how many servings you want!)
Total Time: 21 min
Prep Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 6 min

Coconut milk and shrimp combined is AWESOME SAUCE!!!

1/3 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
1/4 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1/4 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
6 ounces medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon safflower oil (i used olive oil since i didn't have any)
1/2 red bell pepper, chopped (only had broccoli so used broccoli lol)
2 teaspoons fresh cilantro (optional)

1. Combine coconut milk, lime juice, honey, curry powder, ginger, and garlic in small bowl; set aside.
2. Season shrimp with salt and black pepper.
3. Heat oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add shrimp and bell pepper; cook, stirring frequently, for 30 seconds.
4. Add coconut milk mixture; mix well and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and boil gently for 5 minutes or until sauce is slightly thickened and shrimp meat is firm, white, and opaque in center, and tails are pink.
5. Garnish with cilantro

Nutritional Information:
Calories: 346
Fat: 23 g
Sat Fat: 15g
Cholesterol: 214mg
Sodium: 785mg
Carbs: 12g
Fiber: 2g
Sugar: 5g
Protein: 26g

Recipe courtesy of the Body Beast Nutrition Guide Pg. 99