Saturday, July 26, 2014


So getting back at my normal routine and going into it FULL FORCE with NO EXCUSES this week! Officially 12 weeks out as we speak today. Remember my stage reveal is on Oct. 18, 2014 just in case you just started following my first Figure Competition Journey! Last week, my struggles were with traveling and sticking to my figure comp plan. Both diet and exercise is tough but doable with traveling. A tiny struggle this week was a slight change in my diet and I'll mention what that change was later on as that isn't the main focus of todays post.

This week my main struggles were with pain. And not pain in a bad way where I injured myself and need to stop. But joint pain. I've been active most of my life, so I can feel it catching up to me with my ripe old age of almost 30 haha! But lots of impact from running long distances that I have in my past have given me bad arthritis in both my knees. I have had left knee surgery before, thankfully not a crazy surgery or anything that involved ACL/MCL repairs. But still, doctors have told me I have pretty bad arthritis in both my knees. I also have a weird clicking that goes on in both my shoulders. Whenever I do a full rotation of them or I'm doing a pull-up or that same motion, there's clicking. No pain, which is good. It just sometimes prevents me from doing a full range of motion on a certain move from time to time. I think it sounds like arthritis as well. I don't think it's a tear because I don't have pain. Another challenge I'm enduring as well is lower back pain. Being a nurse by trade, I've had to lift patients incredibly heavy for my size and of course, with proper form, you can prevent injuries. That did not happen as I wanted it in the past, and I lifted improperly because the situation happened too quickly. One I will just have to deal with now. So training for me currently as I'm trying to increase my weight is using proper form and taking care of my joints.

Here are some tips that I'm learning to incorporate to help with the daily aches and pains, and how to prevent yourself from injury!

1. Joint Support Formula
First off, for anybody doing any type of exercise that has a lot of impact on your joints, I highly recommend taking some type of joint support formula. I'm not here to sell you any products. You can do your research and see what would work best for you, but I'm just putting it out there so you can protect your joints. Injuries happen and you don't want to stop all your hard work due to an injury! But I've tried several and the only one so far that has really helped me and I can feel a different when I use it and when I don't is called Wobenzym N. (keep in mind I don't work for this company... this is my true opinion). Last week when I traveled, I ran out and figured I'll just restart when I get home. I was soooo arthritic and stiff! I restarted it this week and I'm starting to feel the difference now being on it. So I am a believer! But Wobenzym N works to provide clinically demonstrated support for joint and inflammation health. It works holistically to support your body's natural response to inflammation. It is normal for inflammation(such as soreness and aches) to occur in your body when you're putting it under stress by weight lifting and exercise, so this helps me to function and keep going with my active lifestyle. Again, look into joint support products and choose one that's right for you.

2. Warm Up and Stretch
Great practice to get into before hitting an exercise full on is warming your body up properly. You don't want to start lifting weights especially without stretching out your muscles and getting some lubrication into your joints. That is how injuries happen. So for example, for your shoulders, do full shoulder rotations to get some synovial fluid to your joints. This will help warm them up and give your joints some cushion there. Jumping jacks are another nice way to warm up shoulders, legs and also get your heart rate up as well to warm up your body and prep it for exercise. It doesn't need to be long, just do it!

3. Proper Form
I cannot stress proper form enough. I cringe at some of the people I see at the gym just lifting and doing moves incorrectly. I just know they are trying to lift as heavy as possible because that's what they think is the right way to do it. What they'll end up with is an injury eventually. So when trying to build muscle, because that's usually what everyone is trying to do whether it be to bulk up or just lean out, form is everything. So until you perfect the form, I wouldn't suggest increasing in weight to sacrifice the form. That's where I see a lot of people go wrong. You have to lift smart! Suggestion I have is to research the proper form either through google or through a bodybuilding book. Another way is I record myself or have somebody critique my form to make sure that I'm doing it correctly.

4. Use a Lifting Belt, Gloves and Wrist wraps!
This has saved my back!! LIFESAVER! When you are lifting heavy, your back is vulnerable to injury. One small wrong movement can really tweak your back and can stop your progress and cause more problems later. This ensures that my lower back stays aligned by having the belt wrapped tight around my lower back. You don't want to risk injury, trust me! Another thing I use on a daily basis from weight lifting is definitely gloves. It helps cushion your hands and saves you from some of the callouses. Also what I've started to use since I've started lifting a little bit heavier is wrist wraps. The week before this week, I was so disappointed because my forearms and hands were getting tired before my legs were tired (during my squats). I was finding that the weights I was lifting were too heavy for my arms, BUT not too heavy for my legs. So I felt that I was giving enough for my legs. Now with the wrist wraps, I definitely as able to squat heavier.

These were some of my struggles this week, but I still think I conquered them pretty well!! Despite some of my diet changes, I'm still holding up well without having too much cravings just yet. Here are some of my diet changes that I faced this week!!
Meal #1- Shakeology, whey protein, oats and flaxseed (my PEANUT BUTTER WAS TAKEN AWAY!!)
Meal #2- Chicken, Green Beans, and almonds
Meal #3- Tilapia, Green Beans and Sweet potatoes
Meal #4- Chicken, Green Beans and almonds
Meal #5- Tilapia, spinach salad, avocados and almonds
Meal #6- Egg whites and Peanut Butter (at least I still have half a serving!)

The reds were my changes this week and I just got my diet changes for the next week!! OMG, I have NO PEANUT BUTTER in my diet AHHHHHHHHH!!!! HELP ME NOW! Actually help my husband. True challenge next week eeks!

Here are my progress pics so far! I'm really seeing a difference in my waist getting slimmer and starting to get more of a "V" shape for the upper body. My booty is also increasing in size and getting lifted! Can definitely see more definition coming in my quads as well.. so I'm getting really excited as these photos are not flexing at all!!

I'm proud with my progress so far!

Follow up on my progress next week and see how I handle NOT having PEANUT BUTTER in my life!!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Craving Chips and Fries?!! Here's some HEALTHY alternatives to try out!

Who doesn't like chips and fries?! And now that summers been around, you probably find yourself at the parks... parties... BBQs and what do they have? Even the smell of fries is really tempting, but what can you do to still have your fix and stay healthy? 

YOU CAN HAVE VEGGIES as an alternative! WHAT?! Yea... and they're actually quite delicious! These are different in a sense where they are baked instead of fried. So it leaves behind a lot of the fat that you would get from chips and french fries from a fryer. Just have those sit on paper towel and you'll know what I'm talking about. Or just look at your fingers after handling them. YUP... FAT! But some of the best prepared veggies chips are packed with more vitamins than your standard potato. They take a little time to prepare but it's a snack that'll take away that salty or crunchy craving that you're having without feeling guilty.

Here are some ideas on what you can do!

Packed with a ton of crunch and so many different variations you can do to bake these! One of my recipes calls for drizzling the kale with olive oil and baking the kale chips at 400ºF. I bake them for about maybe 10-15 minutes.. depending on the oven and how long it takes to crisp up. Then once they come out of the oven, I sprinkle parmesan cheese and lime juice and it's DELICIOUS!! Not only is it packed with flavor, it's low in calories, high in fiber and packed with iron and vitamin K!

Also a lot of variety you can use for zucchini chips as it's like a blank canvas just like kale. Dip the zucchini slices in milk and cover with whole grain breadcrumbs. Season with some parmesan cheese, black pepper, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper in with the breadcrumb mixture). Then bake for about 15 minutes on 425ºF. (from

Beet Chips
With a little bit of salt, they become the ultimate sweet and savory treat. They're a great source of magnesium, fiber, iron, and vitamins A, B, and B. Bake them in the oven for about 30 minutes, flip em over and bake for another 20 minutes on 400ºF. You can use any seasonings you desire as well! Keep it simple and use salt and pepper and brushing each side with olive oil.

Sweet Potato fries
Healthier alternative to the white potato as it is less starchy. This is more of a complex carb and by itself tastes great! Cut them into medallions or slices just like regular french fries! Bake them until crispy and you can sprinkle some parmesan cheese or even some cinnamon! Delicious!

Eggplant Fries
Awesome source of fiber and Vitamin B. This is slightly on the sweeter side, so a little bit of salt would be great with it. Let it sit with some salt before roasting to help soak up some of the natural moisture this veggie has! and enjoy!

Brussels Sprout Chips
Loaded with Vitamins K, C, B, fiber, and magnesium

Parsnip Fries
Recipe for Curried Parsnip Fries
Oven on 420ºF. Season with olive oil and curry and bake for 30-40 minutes. Packed with iron, Vitamin A and C and Calcium!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Best BODYWEIGHT exercises to incorporate to burn FAT!

Many people think that you need a gym membership or fancy equipment to build some muscles and burn as much fat... but you actually DON'T! Many athletes use a lot of these bodyweight exercises. Not only is this much more affordable but you also can do them anytime anywhere! Works for people that travel all the time or don't have the funds for gym memberships or equipment.

Here are 5 of the best bodyweight exercises to help you burn fat in as little time as possible:

1) Jumping Jacks
    These can help you burn fat and get fitter. Use this move as a way to warm up for your upcoming exercises. Warms up your shoulders, gets your heart rate up and just warms up your body to help decrease your chance of injury. This is a great warmup especially for bodyweight type exercises since you use a lot of shoulders!

2) Push-Ups
    Til this day, this is still used by everyone! One of the best upper body exercises and there are a ton of variations for this move alone! You can make them easy by going on your knees and still getting stronger and eventually work your way up to full plank and pushing up!

    - Keep your head, neck, torso and hips in a straight line. (keep your core tight)
    - Keep your elbows close to your body
    - Lower yourself down, and then push back up in a controlled movement, keeping core                 tight 

3) Squats
    You use a lot of bigger muscles for you legs to squat, therefore burning more calories!

     - Stand with feet shoulder width apart
     - Keep your heels planted, lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
     - Make sure knees are not going past toes

4) Burpees
    This move works everything!

     - Stand with feet shoulder width apart
     - At the bottom of a squat, reach out hands onto floor in front of you
     - Kick your feet back into a push up position
     - Return feet to squat position and stand up and jump immediately

5) Jumping Rope
    Gets your heart rate up and many techniques you can learn! Also a great warmup as well to any exercise

13 Weeks OUT! Training while traveling = TOUGH!

13 WEEKS OUT EEK!!!! Officially 13 weeks out on July 19.... so basically GAME FACE ON!

This week in particular was a little bit harder than usual. I'm used to being at home and able to control ALL my food and workouts at the times that I choose. Discipline is easy when you're in the comfort of your own home and you make the schedule. This week tested me and was definitely tough.

Monday and Tuesday went as planned. This week I planned on traveling back to my hometown in Chicago for one of my good friend's wedding. I was going to be a bridesmaid! I was so excited, yet nervous because I knew I can only control so much. I was worried about the time I would need because it always takes time to go to the gym and get my workouts in. I also knew that once I got there, I needed some time to prep the rest of my food as well. Was this going to be possible at all?

YES! I had already planned out my cheat meals for when I was going. I took a look at each of my meals and looked at where I can substitute my proteins for what and carbs and fat for what. I knew it wasn't going to be perfect but at least I had a plan! I told my family ahead of time so they already knew what my planned foods were. My mom is awesome and she had already gone out to buy my usual green beans, chicken and tilapia that I would normally have. The night before, I packaged my morning shakes(Shakeology, whey protein and oats) and post workout and afternoon whey proteins in ziplock baggies that were already weighed and portioned out. I also portioned out my almonds so that I would be prepared for those as snacks. I took those with me and stashed them in my suitcase. Voila! Premeasured and just needed to be mixed in water. The night before as well... I had prepared my foods that I would need during the travel the next day and also for food at the airport. I was definitely not going to give in to airport fast-food! I may have gotten some stares eating my chicken and green beans out of my tupperware, but I've got goals and I'm committed.

My sister is awesome and she's part of a gym that allows 1 guest and she was also able to get me a guest pass for the hubby! So we got to work out together and they both actually followed my training program. Loved sharing what I do with people and my sister has done so awesome this whole year. She really is a changed person. Still the same, just a better version of herself. So I did the best that I could workout wise and staying active. Definitely seeing my nieces get me active!! I give props to all the parents out there that still lead healthy and active lifestyles and are able to fit this into their already hectic lives. I don't know how you guys do it, because being with 2 little girls is EXHAUSTING!

Come the day of the wedding which was FRIDAY!! I had my meals prepared up until lunchtime. I planned it this way because I knew I would be getting ready at my friends house, so I knew I can still bring my food and heat it up there until we had to leave for the ceremony in a church. So I already scheduled to start cheats after that. I was ready to enjoy the food. And of course, I still represented my FitFam and did my flex friday photos. And I also included my sister in them!! It's fun flexing and showing off your hard work!

Then comes the wedding food. YUM!!!! Yup... this just happened. I ate it ALL and even had dessert and a little bit more... oops. Probably more than I should but I enjoyed myself!

The wedding itself was awesome... lots of dancing so still burning calories lol. The next day I spent a relaxing time on the beach with my husband, sister, brother in law, 2 nieces and my cousin. It was great... we got to show off our Beach bodies hehe. I had also planned ahead of time to have my last cheat before I got back to my serious training schedule. We went to this Hawaiian place and had Chicken Katsu, BBQ beef and white rice. OMG I haven't had white rice in FOREVER! Did not eat it all as it was really filling, but yes.. this also just happened lol.

All in all... great weekend. But now time to get serious and get back to work!!

But question was, is it doable to train and travel. Doable but hard... you just gotta plan to succeed and you will be successful!

Progress photos coming up at the end of this week when i'll be 12 WEEKS OUT!! Oh boy!

Monday, July 14, 2014

14 WEEKS OUT from my FIRST Figure Competition!

So if you don't know already, I am competing in my first Figure Competition this year! The competition that I am entering is The Ft Lauderdale Cup on Oct 18, 2014. It is an IFBB and NPC sponsored event and you are able to qualify nationally if I place. Wouldn't that be AWESOME! I think at this point, I just want to make it to the stage and look like I belong with all the other competitors. Not to mention, I don't want to fall flat on my face on stage.

But this year, I set it out to be my best and be at my healthiest. T25 and P90x3 challenged me in ways of my discipline and I loved how it changed my body! I wanted to take it a step further and see where this discipline can take me and I'm just so intrigued by what the body can do. I want to see how nutrition and different workouts change my body. I'm so excited to take on this journey!

I have taken it upon myself to seek out additional help, with the help of an IFBB Pro Figure competitor, Rebekah Willich. She's helping me with the training and also the nutrition aspect. She makes my weekly meal plans according to my needs. So far I've sent her 2 progress photos with them being 2 weeks apart, and she makes adjustments to my nutrition as she sees fit!

My routine so far consists of going to the gym 6 days a week, with 5 of those days adding cardio in. I mainly have to build up my glutes so I'm spending most of my cardio on the stair master for 30 minutes! 

Here is what my schedule looks like usually each week:
Monday- REST
Tuesday - Shoulders/Triceps
Wednesday- Light Legs
Thursday- Back/Biceps
Friday- Light shoulders/Biceps
Saturday- Heavy Legs
Sunday- Back/Biceps

This routine is quite a change since I've been used to the at home fitness programs, BUT I'm ready for the challenge! The workout routine with the machines are all that I've done before. It helped that I've had a personal trainer in the past and my husband is being really supportive right now and going to the gym with me when he can. So I'm very happy about that! The tough part was picking the right time to go to the gym because it always happens that when you need to use a machine, it's always occupied. Grrrr... but oh well.. that's bound to happen.

Another challenge is the meals! And yes, I knew going into this that nutrition was going to be the hardest part! And for the lack of variety, gets a little bit boring. BUT, I've done well so far and I've been on this meal plan now for almost 4 weeks! Haven't had any real moments where I needed something or craved something... so far so good!

But here is what a typical day of eating looks like for me so far!
Meal #1- Shakeology shake with 1/2 extra scoop of whey protein, peanut butter and 30g of oats
Meal #2- Chicken, green beans and almonds
Meal #3- Chicken, green beans and sweet potatoes
Meal #4- Whey protein, 1/2 banana and almonds
Meal #5- Tilapia over spinach salad, avocados and almonds
Meal #6- Egg whites and peanut butter

Not bad! but I know the key to success is going to be discipline and preparation. 

I can't wait to see my progress throughout this whole journey! I've already started seeing some changes in my quads and I think the weakest part for me is my legs. So I will keep building them and just hope they are good enough come stage time!!

Here are my progress photos so far. These are only about 4 weeks apart but no flexing or anything. So it's hard to see any difference but I can definitely see my back starting to get bigger and my waste is slimming slightly. The angles aren't that great but hopefully I can take better pics next time!

Hope you'll continue to follow in on my first Figure Competition Journey!

8 Ways to Sneak More Protein Into Your Diet without Breaking the Bank!

As many of you already know, protein is a vital food group that is important for you in your daily diets. It's primary function is that they are the building blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood. They are also building blocks for enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Your body uses protein to build and repair tissue.

So now with some of the rise in cost of our protein products and also some people trying to decrease their consumption of animal products, what are ways in which we can still get our protein that we need without the regular chicken that we're used to?

Here are 8 foods that you can add for protein and also be nice to your wallet!

1. Rye Berries
The collard greens of whole grains, rye seeds can be tough to cook with, but are loaded with additional nutrients, including magnesium, iron and fiber. Historically regarded as the "poverty grain" for their durability on poorer soils, rye berries don't taste like rye bread. The flavor actually comes from caraway seeds. This alone isn't a complete source of protein, but add it to item #2!

2. Lentils
Exceeded in protein among all legumes by only soybeans and hemp, lentils are also high in folate and fiber. Red lentils boast the shortest cooking time of the bean's six varieties.

3. Peas
As high in protein as any vegetables (8 grams per cup), green peas are also rich in vitamins B1, B6 and K, phosphorus and dietary fiber.

4. Eggs
No surprise! and it doesn't cost much! one carton yields 72 total grams of protein, though per egg amount drops to 3.6 grams when separated. Hormone and antibiotic free organic eggs typically run about a third more, but are still a healthier protein bargain.

5. Parmesan Cheese
Low-moisture hard cheeses are customarily high in protein, and Parmesan is the highest. Nearly 40% of its total composition is protein though almost another 20% is saturated fat. Still, you can shake several servings over salad or pasta to boost the protein content of a meal!

6. Light Tuna
Less expensive than other meat substitutes such as tofu, tempeh and seitan, but canned tuna is an exception. Lower in mercury than solid tuna, light tuna is generally not recommended more than once a week.

7. Fage 2% Plain Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is notoriously high in protein. You can enjoy it on its own or substitute it for mayonnaise, sour cream or cream-based sauces.

8. 1% Cottage Cheese
Not only is it a powerhouse of a protein, but it provides roughly 15% of the daily recommended intake of calcium, and half of the DRIs of vitamin B12 and phosphorus. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping on a Budget!

So the question is.... can you still be healthy and still be on a budget??
The answer is YES!!! You just gotta be prepared and approach it in a smart way!

But let me first go over the importance of being healthy now. Most people think about what they have to spend on the present and always opt for the cheapest way. But when you think about it, think about what you're investing in when you buy fresh, whole food ingredients instead of the food that can sit on a shelf for who knows how long, and still look the same years later. That you would put in your mouth, but you're questioning if buying healthy foods is worth it. ummm YEA!! 

You have think of this as an investment in your health. I work in healthcare and have taken care of very sick elderly people. NOW, the people that are very sick in the hospital are getting younger with many more comorbid diseases! It's crazy to think that as a society we are getting sicker. But that's because of whats going on with our nutrition. So fast forward to 20 years later, and if you continue to eat bad, processed unhealthy fast food type foods, you'll be on a whole lot of medications.... MORE doctor visits.... medical bills... etc. Knowing that you could decrease your chance of that being your future, wouldn't this investment in buying fresh, food be better even if it were slightly more expensive? YES FOR ME!

But we're talking about now, and actually there are ways to still stick within a budget and still be able to shop healthy!

1. SHOP THE SALES- Look at ads, coupons what's in season. There's always deals in which the price drops for certain items of fruit. Also look at the price differences in bulk as well because, the more you buy, the less it cost.

2. MAKE A GROCERY LIST- First plan our your meals so that you can make a grocery list. Check your fridge and pantry for items that you do not need to buy. That'll save you money so that you don't waste food. Also since you have a grocery list, try sticking to it so that you're not caught off guard with sale items that you just don't have on your meal plan for the week.

3. DON'T SHOP HUNGRY- If you go hungry, you'll be tempted to buy something out of impulse. And don't go down the cookie aisle!! NO TEMPTATIONS PLEASE!

4. BUY GENERIC- Brand names cost way more. Most generic brands are just as good anyways. I always get the grocery store brand like Publix, as they do tend to save you more!

5. BUY IN BULK- Many grocery stores have a bulk section, if not, usually they have family size items. But you'll notice that when you buy bigger, the cost per unit is cheaper. It saves you more because it's less packaging. 

6. AVOID THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE- Most packaged foods don't have nearly the same nutritional value as whole unprocessed foods like produce, fresh dairy, fresh meats and whole grains. You end up paying a lot more for a lot less nutrition. So stick to the perimeter of the grocery store to make your meals with tons of spices for flavor!

7. CHOOSE SOME MEATLESS PROTEIN SOURCES- Foods like beans, lentils, etc are great sources of protein and are also really good for you. PLUS they are insanely cheap and makes a lot of servings. And they're actually quite filling!

Hope this tips help you in keeping a healthy lifestyle and still sticking to your budget!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

PiYo has ARRIVED!!!

The wait is over and PiYo has now been released!!! If you want to do yoga or pilates but just get too bored holding and standing in poses, but still want to work on strength and flexibility... this program is for YOU!

PiYo is a low-impact, high-intensity body transformation program. It uses the most effective Pilates and Yoga inspired moves set to a fast pace to help you burn fat while you sculpt long, lean muscles.

You'll carve every once of your body without jumps, equipment, weights and without straining your joints. And rest assured, there's no complex choreography to learn. Chalene Johnson takes you step-by-step through the moves where you'll use your body weight to lose weight and get intensely defined! You get your strength, cardio and flexibility training all in one program.

PiYo delivers the muscle sculpting, core-focused benefits of Pilates along with the flexibility and power of yoga. PiYo's low-impact compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, while keeping your body in constant motion. As you progress from one fluid movement to the next without rest, you'll maintain an optimal heart rate to incinerate calories throughout the whole workout!

The result? You get a low-impact, high intensity, total body workout, giving you a physique that's long, lean and powerfully defined.

Women and men who:
- Want to lose weight and burn fat without the high impact jumps or complex choreography found in some cardio programs
- Want to build lean muscle but don't want to lift heavy weights or bulk up
- Want to get results of an extreme program without straining their joints
- Like the benefits of pilates and yoga but also want the calorie burn of a cardio workout
- Don't have time to go from class to class to do separate cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts
- Want a workout that doesn't require a lot of equipment
- Want to give their body a break from extreme programs but keep getting results and improve their performance in other sports by restoring their flexibility and core strength.

- yoga mat is suggested
- chair for balance if a beginner

- Workout program (8 workouts plus 1 bonus if purchased through a coach, ME!)
   Workouts are from 18 min-45 min each!
- PiYo Quick Start Guide
- PiYo Workout Calendar
- Get Lean Eating Plan
- Tape Measure
- 30 Day Supply of Shakeology 
- me as your FREE coach
- Enrollment into my exclusive accountability group, where you'll get unlimited support, nutrition tips and meal planning advice


Are you ready to get DEFINED with PiYo?!!