Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Raw Brownie Bites!!

Who doesn't have CHOCOLATE CRAVINGS?!! These brownie bites are grain free... Paleo friendly... and just DELICIOUS! It only has 4 ingredients! Walnuts, dates, unsweetened cocoa powder, and pure vanilla extract! All you need is a food processor or blender, and voila! Nice and simple. Use this as a base and get creative with what toppings you put on. You can roll them in coconut flakes, pistachio, more cocoa powder or more nuts! The choices are endless!

See for yourself and try out this recipe!

1 1/2 Cups Walnuts
1/3 Cup Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Cup Pitted Dates
1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract


1. Add walnuts to food processor and process until walnuts are finely ground.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients to food processor and mix well. Add some drops of water to make mixture more moist and sticky where you can roll them into a ball easily.
3. Using hands, roll into balls. Voila! Keep in fridge for up to a week!

extras- roll in chopped nuts or other toppings of preference!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Avocado Tuna Salad

Some people have this notion that they have to limit their fat intakes. HOWEVER, healthy fats are good for you! Not only do they keep you full longer, they have nutrients that are very important for you to live a healthy lifestyle!

Healthy fats to incorporate into your diet are, olive oils, coconut oils, nuts, seeds, avocados... etc! I'm trying to do a lot less of actually counting calories, macros, weighing foods etc. Because if you just listen to your body and actually eat "good" foods, you don't have to do any of that nonsense. Now of course, depending on your goals, you may have to tweak a little bit here and there, but if you're doing it to be healthy, well balanced is your key!

Here's a great recipe you can use as a meal or a simple healthy snack! Packed with healthy fats and protein, it's sure to keep you satiated!

Avocado Tuna Salad
Serving Size: 1

1 avocado
1 lemon, juiced
1 TBSP red onion
1 TBSP celery
1 packet of tuna
sea salt, pepper and dried dill to taste

1. Cut avocado in 1/2, scoop out the middle and place in a goal
2. Add chopped onion and celery, lemon juice and seasoning and mix well
3. Add in the tuna and mix again
4. Place back into the avocado shells!

You can also have this as a sandwich if that's your preference!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Sooooo.... I've been MIA for a bit and after a whole months plus of stress, I am in HUGE need of a recharge. My husband has left for his deployment and I will stay strong while he is gone. Love you lots, you are my inspiration to keep going every day. In no time you will be home! In the mean time, due to me not being able to commit to my Figure Competition Training, I'm sad to report that I dropped from that training. I am sad because I feel like I have failed, BUT I will eventually get back to that in the future. Of course I took this really hard because I was on the right track and I've given it my all up to this point. But I can't dwell on it and what's more important to me was staying focused on my husband at that time. With that being said, that is on my bucket list of things that I want to accomplish, BUT I want to do it and walk on that stage knowing that I gave it my 100%. In the mean time, I will be traveling and visiting family and friends in my hometown of Chicago. Therefore, due to lack of equipment that I may have, I have taken it upon myself to FINALLY COMPLETE Insanity for the FIRST TIME!! Yes... I've tried that program TWICE and have FAILED to complete. But this time, I WILL DO IT!!

Here was some of my progress that I did have and look forward to getting back to it when the time is right :-)

During this time, I have been reading up some interesting things about just different types of diets that are out there. I'm not for or against any diet, nor do I work for any company that pushes a certain diet. Each person is different and depending on their health and fitness goals, may practice a certain "diet". I'm not here to prove one works better than the other. I based picking this one diet in particular because of all the research that is coming out about it. What I tell everyone, is to do your own research and see if it's a fit for you!

The book that I'm reading is Grain Brain. It is crazy about some of the stuff the doctor brings up in this book, which I will start reviewing with several blogs. My husband read the whole book and had already started to cut out all the gluten due to the symptoms they were describing and it was actually amazing at the changes he already felt from avoiding all things with gluten! I know what you're thinking, this is another craze fad diet..... however, research is stating otherwise!

So my challenge for myself that I will be doing is going gluten free and basically following a low carb, high fat diet. No that doesn't mean I'm giving up my carbs at all. I'm actually eating my carbs with veggies with most of my meals. The macros I'm shooting for, with possible changes in the future as I play it by ear will be 15/40/50 (carb/protein/fat). The thing that intrigued me the most is basically getting your body adapted to use fat as your primary fuel source. High in fat is portrayed as a "bad" part of your diet by the media because it makes you fat. BUT that's not the case if you're using healthy fats (coconut oil, nuts, seeds, avocados....etc). So I really want to see what this kind of "diet" can do for me. I'm also going to track my blood pressure as well.

With this diet, I'm committing to doing a high intensity program called Insanity. I've never finished this program fully and because I'll be traveling and not living in my house for a bit and not have much access to equipment, this workout program is perfect! So this with a new diet, I'm hoping for just fantastic results!!

I hope you follow my journey and I'm always looking for others to do this with me!

If you are struggling with getting started or struggling to just lose weight and stick to a plan, I can help you! I love helping people and figuring out what can work for them.

Join my Challenge

Sunday, September 21, 2014




I'm so excited to announce the launch of yet another amazing Beachbody Program! This time, you really have NO EXCUSES!!! This is called P90.... but how is it different than the other p90x programs you might ask??! Well, I'm here to give you a little rundown about how this program is like no other program and how this might be right for you!

P90 is a gateway to getting fit regardless of age or fitness level! Legendary trainer Tony Horton has now created shorter workouts that are simple, doable and LESS EXTREME than the other P90X programs (hence, there's no "X" at the end), BUT still just as effective!

- If you haven't worked out in a decade
- Wants to get a jumpstart on a fitness program
- A beginner who has never worked out before
- Is just looking to maintain what they've got
- Is busy and doesn't have much time for exercise
- Ready for a change
- Is ready to give up excuses and start getting results
- ANYONE who wants a body transformation in only 90 DAYS!!!

P90 opens the door for them to see dramatic, visible results in just 90 days 
This is the 90 day body transformation is for EVERYONE!

Get a SNEAK PEAK at P90!

P90 is broken up into 3 distinct phases. A, B, and C. Each phase has resistance workouts and cardio workouts that have been carefully designed to move you through the program in a very calculated, and simple manner. This program will help you to create building blocks to a leaner, healthier you.

Something different than the other programs, this has 3 AB RIPPER WORKOUTS!!! Can you say 6 PACK?!!!

Another different component added to this program is the 6-Day Shred. This is an easy way to start your program off on the right foot. This simple meal plan helps cleanse your system of junk food while systematically decreasing daily calories to help you get used to a leaner diet. It's the perfect introduction for someone looking to get back into fitness or start taking care of themselves for the very first time. BEST OF ALL, it's a HUGE time saver because you can do all the shopping for the entire 6 days in just ONE AFTERNOON!

10 Workouts on 4 DVDs

(workouts range from 25-45 minutes!)
Each workout has modified moves from Day 1

90 Day Workout Calendar (takes the guesswork out of what to do!)
- P90 Nutrition Guide, simplified. 

Called the P90 Simple Kitchen. It was carefully designed for the same type of person who will be tackling the P90 workouts, someone who doesn't have time to count calories, track progress on spreadsheets or watch every carb that enters your mouth.

6 Day Shred Nutrition plan 


This is Jamie! She was one of the participants in the P90 Test Group. Growing up, Jamie was physically fit and active. But after college, she began to gain weight and she felt like she was losing who she was. But, in less than 2 rounds of P90, Jamie lost 70 pounds, 36 inches and 40% body fat! She says that this has definitely been one of the most amazing years to date! This has definitely changed her life and all she did was give up her excuses and just went for it! 

Watch her Live chat with Tony Horton right here!

Do you like what you see and what to be the FIRST to try out this program?! I'm looking for individuals that want to be in my first P90 Exclusive Test Group!! Here's what you gotta do!

Fill out an application to be considered NOW for this group!

Here's what you get:
- FREE coach (me!)
- Workout programs as stated above for a FULL 90 DAYS
- Shakeology, for 30 days upon signup
- Nutrition guide and meal planning support
- Exclusive Accountability group
****** If ACCEPTED, I'm paying it forward and PAYING YOU $1 for each pound lost for the first 10lbs. $2 lost for each pound after that! Just for following the program!! ******
(You must meet the requirements outlined and complete the 90 days to receive monetary compensation for losing weight!)


When you COMPLETE the challenge and submit your BEFORE and AFTER photos, you get entered for a chance to win one of the daily $500 PRIZES and up to a GRAND PRIZE of $100.000 JUST FOR COMPLETING A FITNESS PROGRAM!!
You really have nothing to LOSE EXCEPT WEIGHT and GAIN YOUR LIFE BACK!

To be considered for my EXCLUSIVE P90 PILOT TEST GROUP, please fill out application below!

Find me on Facebook so we can chat about your goals!

And in honor of the late Tony Horton, Sr. (Tony's Father), Beachbody is donating $5 for every challenge pack sold (up to 50K) through October 31st!
Today, also kicks off our ‪#‎ItsYourTurn‬ Social Media Campaign, where your goal is to get ONE, just ONE person started with P90. This is fitness for Every Body, and we need everybody to get involved.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 2 out of 3 of the 3 DAY REFRESH!

DAY 2!!!

So the day started off with my weighing myself to see if anything happened and I went from 107.4 to 105.8lbs! That's a lot for someone my size! So knowing that I didn't starve myself or deprive myself of any food, I knew these results were pretty good!


I woke up actually feeling pretty good! The only thing that bothered me yesterday was feeling a bit bloated and gas cramps lol. So today I still feel a little bit bloated but not as bad as yesterday.

So same game plan for today, except that me and Ryan have to head to the grocery store because we wanted to change up our dinner plans. Sounded like a good idea at the time, but being in a grocery store and exposing us to foods that looked and smelled good, BAD IDEA haha!!

Upon waking, started off drinking around 10oz of water. This step is very important according to the program guide because it gets your system going basically. 

Little side note about water too, every time you drink cold water, it raises your metabolism as high as 30% each time! WIN! Why not drink water and increase your metabolism and make you a fat burning machine! and plus, it really does help you to wake up a little bit as well.

Had the same Vegan Chocolate Shakeology in water blended with half a frozen banana. It's so yummy and really does keep me satiated. I kept with the same recipe, but if you are doing this, you can change your fruit option and use any of the options they give you in the program in case you don't like it to stay the same. This program is great in giving you a variety so that you don't get bored.

Mid-morning Snack
Fiber Sweep for the day!! This went a lot better because I drank it right away after mixing. So definitely less clumpy and not as thick! I choose to do mix mine in 8oz of water because i want less liquids in mine, but if the taste bothers you, go ahead and add more liquid to dull down the taste or if you want a thinner consistency. 


Here's a video of Ryan drinking his fiber sweep for the day!

Lunch consisted of the Vanilla Fresh (protein drink), 1 option from the fruit list, 1 option from the vegetable list, and 1 option from the healthy list!

I stuck with the same from yesterday. And today, maybe because I'm cleansing my body and getting my tastebuds back in order, but everything tasted SO GOOD today :-) I did something different and added some more flavor in my vanilla fresh just to try it out. I added some ground cinnamon and added almond extract (all are approved in the 3 day refresh list, no worries!). It did give it great flavor!

So here's what my lunch consisted of:
- Vanilla Fresh Protein Drink
- Half a medium apple (1 Fruit Option)
- 6 baby carrots (1 Vegetable Option)
- 2 TBSP Hummus (1 Healthy Fat Option)

After lunch is when we decided to go grocery shopping because lunch from yesterday was pretty filling so we figured we'd be good with avoiding getting hungry! WRONG lol. Everything smelled good... all the food looked good... we got hungry haha. Great thing we had each other to not give in but we went out of the grocery store successful AND without CHEATING!! but that will power was really tested while we were out! lol.

- Do your grocery shopping before the 3 Day Refresh starts and pick out your snacks and dinner options so that you don't feel tempted at the grocery store!

Mid-Afternoon Snack
Same snack as yesterday

- 6 Baby Carrots (1 Vegetable Option)
- 2 TBSP Hummus (1 Healthy Fat Option)

You always have the option for tea time during this time, which I did drink my herbal tea because around this time I was actually getting a little bit hungry. I didn't want my dinner too early so I've been trying to compensate by making sure that I'm drinking enough water.

Before giving in to temptations or hunger, always take some time to drink some water. Most of the time you're just thirsty and by drinking water, it keeps you full! This also gives you the time to really think about whether or not you are really hungry or are just bored. Think about good options and think about why you started! Stay busy and this should help you give in to mindless eating.

Dinner tasted really good tonight!! We tried something new and we tried the Carrot-Seaweed Medley from the list of dinner options.

Here is the recipe for 1 serving:
1/2 tsp oil
1/4 medium onion, cut into thin slices
1/2 medium carrot, cut into matchstick sized pieces
1/4 medium red bell pepper, cut into 1/2 inch chunks
2 TBSP shelled edamame
2 TBSP arame seaweed
1/4 Cup water
1 dash Himalayan salt
1 green onion, thinly sliced

1. Soak seaweed in cool water for 5 minutes; drain and set aside.
2. Heat sesame oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, cook stirring frequently for 2 minutes.
3. Add carrots, bell pepper, edamame, seaweed, and water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle boil, cook covered for 5-8 minutes.
4. Remove cover. Add salt; cook 1 minute. Add green onion and mix well.

So my dinner consisted of:
- Vanilla Fresh Protein Drink
- 1 Cup of Vegetable Broth
- Carrot-Seaweed Medley

Before bed, had some tea and went to bed! I ended the day with a little bit of a headache and I did feel more tired. I think I may have over done it with doing an Insanity workout during this Refresh. So I'm planning on taking a rest day for the 3rd and final day so that my body can do what it needs to "refresh". I've definitely been feeling much better and love that all this fresh food is tasting so good! It's nice not to feel overly full and to eat enough to just make me feel satisfied. Other than that, can't wait to get Day 3 done and see my results!

If you're interested in "REFRESHING" yourself and want to jump start some healthy habits and get rid of those annoying cravings, get your kit here!

Already have Shakeology and just want the Refresh Kit?

Want to stay accountable with me or need my advice on fitness plans or nutrition?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 1 out of 3 of the 3 DAY REFRESH!!!


So since getting the news of my husbands deployment in less than a month, I haven't been on my "A" game for my training. I knew it was still possible to still get on that stage, but I wasn't sure if I was going to want to hit that stage knowing I wasn't training at 110%. It's still up in the air as to whether or not I'm going to compete because I actually don't know when and where I will be settled. Even if I don't hit that stage this year, I will always have next year! NEVER GIVE UP!

However, because of the news of Ryan's deployment, of course we planned on seeing some of his family along the East Coast. So we took a long road trip to New Jersey and ate some AWESOME seafood. Now, his grandpa's place was a nice little retirement community and of course, I didn't find it in my heart to be picky about my food. I chose to just deal with what I had and enjoy my time. I didn't want to disrespect them and not eat what I was offered or wherever they took me. And of course, I did enjoy EVERYTHING I ate haha. BUT, I was feeling bloated... tired... crabby. I knew it was from the diet. Once in a while is good... but going the almost a whole week, boy that takes a toll! And some people eat like this every SINGLE DAY! No wonder they don't feel good!

Well... long story short... I was in need of a cleanse and a recharge from our week long road trip!! Perfect to start and try out that new 3 Day Refresh that Beachbody had just recently come out with! We already ordered our kits. Since we're already Shakeology drinkers, we were able to order a kit without the Shakeology. But for newer customers, you can just order the kits with the 3 Shakeology packets that you need for the 3 Days! WINNING!! and it's affordable!

I opened up the kit and it was laid out very nicely for you! They put the packets and divided them up between the 3 days and the packets were in the order that you were going to need to use them. It comes with a program guide that explains what your days will look like and what you should be eating and drinking. It provides you with an approved fruit, vegetable and healthy fats list so that you can choose what you'd like to consume during your 3 days. It even gives you dinner recipes. NO BRAINER!! Makes like much easier!

To learn more about the 3 Day Refresh and get some more details on if this is right time for you, CLICK HERE!

So I'm going to blog about each day as I go through it to share my experience with you during this "refresh".

DAY 1!

So the morning, I woke up, ready to start the day and feel less crappy and bloated! I weighted myself and measured my waist just so I can track what kind of results I get. I also took before photos to compare my Day 1 and Final pics after Day 3.

Starting weight is 107.4lbs :-)

Upon waking up, the program says to drink 8-10oz of water to get your system going.

Suppose to eat this breakfast (or drink it duh) within 1 hour of waking up!
- Shakeology shake blended in 10oz of water
- 1 serving from the Fruit list, which was provided by the program.

I had my Vegan Chocolate Shakeology drink and I chose to blend my frozen half a banana. Yummy as usual!

Optional Morning Tea
You can have 1 cup of unsweetened herbal or green tea if you'd like. I skipped this as I did a workout instead :-) And by the time I finished, it was time for the mid-morning snack.

Ahhhh the fiber sweep drink. 

With its scientifically formulated blend of soluble and insoluble fibers, this patent-pending fiber drink gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system, while supporting healthy intestinal flora. It's created from whole-ground flax, chia and psyllium husks. Wholesome psyllium fiber can naturally lower cholesterol and support healthy blood sugar levels as part of a healthy diet. Flax and chia are sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

So, forewarning for everyone drinking it for the first time. It says to mix promptly after mixing.... THEY WEREN'T JOKING!! It gets clumpy if you let it sit for even just a second. I let it sit just so I can grab my phone to take a picture lol... and it clumped. FAIL lol. I still chugged it, but it was pretty chunky. The taste wasn't horrible. It had a hint of lemon in it, but taste was pretty bland. I think the consistency will get a lot of people, but just chug it like those college days of drinking and you'll be fine!!

I had the Vanilla Fresh for the first time and it didn't taste bad. The vanilla fresh is a high protein shake to help satisfy hunger throughout the 3 days. It also delivers the essential nutrition your body needs for healthy weight loss. It helps to maintain lean muscle while you're cutting calories during the 3 days. This is what most cleanses lack and people end up breaking down muscle during the days that they choose to cleanse. This protein drink also has 22 essential vitamins and minerals, probiotics and no artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or sweeteners. It contains a clinically tested potato protein extract to help curb hunger.

I had the Vanilla Fresh and I was able to choose 1 serving of fruit, 1 serving of vegetables and 1 serving from the healthy fats list. This is what I had. And it definitely kept me full!

After lunch however, I was starting to feel the cramps. Yes the gas pains started happening! So for anyone that isn't used to eating fruits and veggies, forewarned, GAS PAINS WILL OCCUR!! Before the week long vacay I was used to veggies, but I guess the week was enough for my body to get used to no having those veggies!! The cramping was off and on, but tolerable. But yes, major cramping may occur!

After this time I was able to run errands and do what I had to do for the day and I wasn't hungry! And for those of you who are worried that you're gonna have to go #2 like crazy, I didn't. I just had to pee a lot but thats normal because I drink a lot of water anyways. So you can still do this and not worry about that haha! After errands it was already time for my afternoon snack!

Afternoon Snack
For my snack, I was able to choose 1 serving from the vegetable list and 1 serving from the healthy fats list.

Amazing how great fresh foods taste after eating so bad for a whole week!

Optional Afternoon Tea (at least 1 hour after afternoon snack)
I chose to have my tea this time, I drank my green tea.

For dinner I got to have another Vanilla Fresh Shake and 1 serving from the dinner recipes listed in the program. The program also gives you the option of have 1 cup of organic vegetable broth.

Here's what my dinner looked like!
I chose the vegetable stir fry and I did opt to go with the vegetable broth. As I was finishing my vegetables, I actually got full! I didn't finish my vegetable broth because I felt full and didn't feel the need to stuff myself.

Optional: Evening Tea
I had one of my sleepy time tea because it was nice to drink something warm and soothing and just to help me relax.

Overall, the day went great! I didn't go hungry!

If you're interested in "REFRESHING" yourself and want to jump start some healthy habits and get rid of those annoying cravings, get your kit here!

Already have Shakeology and just want the Refresh Kit?

Want to stay accountable with me or need my advice on fitness plans or nutrition?

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

10 WEEKS OUT... Unfortunately some BAD NEWS....

So August 9 marked my 10 weeks out from my first ever Figure Competition that was suppose to be on Oct 18, 2014 in Ft Lauderdale, FL, but as I was celebrating my results so far from my journey and also enjoying turning 30 on August 6 and looking forward to my weekly cheat meal for my birthday celebration, I got the news. My husband is deploying :-( For security reasons I cannot disclose where he is going but none the less, he is going to be gone. 

This hits hard because one, you never want to be apart from somebody you love. You don't want them to go somewhere dangerous where there is so much of the unknown. He's risking his life for what? I don't even understand why we are still there? Aren't they suppose to be bringing our troops back? What good is all of this? First the Army tells my husband he's in the clear, then last minute tells him he's going to be deployed next month. So many thoughts and emotions running through my head. Our lives just have to stop for this.

Well after many tears and just 2 days of just not doing anything really and just enjoying us together, breaking all the rules of my training and meal plan, I realized what I was doing isn't going to make me feel any better. Heck, I felt pretty sick and gross after everything I ate. Yup... I CHEATED ALL WEEKEND LONG! Oh I paid for it alright lol. But you know, even though I got the bad news I still continued to read my personal development. That was one habit I didn't give up even during this time. It helped me to think a little bit more and get less angry at the world. I reread the one chapter in the book by John C. Maxwell's 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth where he talks about taking responsibility and not being labeled as "the victim". I wasn't going to go around and keep asking myself, "why me?" "why us"? I wasn't going to do that. Yes I could walk around and mope and cry all day long, but you know what, life was gonna go on with or without me. So I had to think to myself, what good is being sad gonna do for me. NOTHING. I also thought, it's not only me that has to see her husband leave and get deployed and risk his life. It's not personal. There are many people who have to sacrifice their lives as well. So I'm not alone in this. At least he has a job and at least I have some time with him before he goes. I have to remember that lots of people would give their lives for this country and people look up to him. I'm still having mixed emotions right now, but I've gotta be strong for him.

So I have decided while he's gone, that I will be moving back to where most of my family is in Illinois. I don't have any family down here and feel that I'd do better being close to my friends and family. I am thankful that I have a job like Beachbody where I can just take my business everywhere. So thank you BEACHBODY!!

Oh yes.. and another thing, Obviously I'm not going to do the Ft Lauderdale NPC Competition since I'm going to be in Illinois and just far from it. BUT I have spoken with my figure prep coach and I told her that I'm not gonna let this stop me from competing. So I have committed to a NEW Figure Competition called Natural Midstate Muscle Classic XXVII in Rockford, IL on November 22, 2014!! So I'm still in it!! It's nice to have the support of my coach Rebekah Willich because she was happy that I'm still on board and she's excited at how my physique is looking. My husband wouldn't have wanted me to drop everything that I've been working hard for. But it is sad that my first competition he won't get to see. So hopefully I can send him some nice photos during it. This will definitely push me a lot harder to do my best because I know he's sacrificing his life. I'm glad my friends and family will be able to watch me because I'll be closer!!

One victory this week despite me feeling way more tired this week because for ONE, I've just had a decrease in carbs so strength wise I still feel strong, but stamina has gotten low. So I was happy to say that I've reached a new high for my leg presses and was able to press 310lbs!! woo hoo!  Here's proof! oh and you can see my abs coming in too :-)

Well.. let's get to my progress photos shall we!! Struggles this week, was staying strong and NOT indulging on the day of my birthday which was August 6. NOPE I did not CHEAT!! That definitely took a TON of discipline but I did it!

My weight this week dropped from 103.8lbs to 101.8lbs. Definitely leaning out a lot more! and abs are coming in pretty nice. It's exciting to see progress and makes me want to push more! See why this is so addicting?!

SO as I'm ending my blog post... I am NOT finished yet!! I just have a new goal date in mind. November 22, 2014... FIRST FIGURE COMPETITION! OFFICIALLY the countdown begins again at 15 WEEKS OUT!

Til next time....