Tuesday, July 22, 2014

13 Weeks OUT! Training while traveling = TOUGH!

13 WEEKS OUT EEK!!!! Officially 13 weeks out on July 19.... so basically GAME FACE ON!

This week in particular was a little bit harder than usual. I'm used to being at home and able to control ALL my food and workouts at the times that I choose. Discipline is easy when you're in the comfort of your own home and you make the schedule. This week tested me and was definitely tough.

Monday and Tuesday went as planned. This week I planned on traveling back to my hometown in Chicago for one of my good friend's wedding. I was going to be a bridesmaid! I was so excited, yet nervous because I knew I can only control so much. I was worried about the time I would need because it always takes time to go to the gym and get my workouts in. I also knew that once I got there, I needed some time to prep the rest of my food as well. Was this going to be possible at all?

YES! I had already planned out my cheat meals for when I was going. I took a look at each of my meals and looked at where I can substitute my proteins for what and carbs and fat for what. I knew it wasn't going to be perfect but at least I had a plan! I told my family ahead of time so they already knew what my planned foods were. My mom is awesome and she had already gone out to buy my usual green beans, chicken and tilapia that I would normally have. The night before, I packaged my morning shakes(Shakeology, whey protein and oats) and post workout and afternoon whey proteins in ziplock baggies that were already weighed and portioned out. I also portioned out my almonds so that I would be prepared for those as snacks. I took those with me and stashed them in my suitcase. Voila! Premeasured and just needed to be mixed in water. The night before as well... I had prepared my foods that I would need during the travel the next day and also for food at the airport. I was definitely not going to give in to airport fast-food! I may have gotten some stares eating my chicken and green beans out of my tupperware, but I've got goals and I'm committed.

My sister is awesome and she's part of a gym that allows 1 guest and she was also able to get me a guest pass for the hubby! So we got to work out together and they both actually followed my training program. Loved sharing what I do with people and my sister has done so awesome this whole year. She really is a changed person. Still the same, just a better version of herself. So I did the best that I could workout wise and staying active. Definitely seeing my nieces get me active!! I give props to all the parents out there that still lead healthy and active lifestyles and are able to fit this into their already hectic lives. I don't know how you guys do it, because being with 2 little girls is EXHAUSTING!

Come the day of the wedding which was FRIDAY!! I had my meals prepared up until lunchtime. I planned it this way because I knew I would be getting ready at my friends house, so I knew I can still bring my food and heat it up there until we had to leave for the ceremony in a church. So I already scheduled to start cheats after that. I was ready to enjoy the food. And of course, I still represented my FitFam and did my flex friday photos. And I also included my sister in them!! It's fun flexing and showing off your hard work!

Then comes the wedding food. YUM!!!! Yup... this just happened. I ate it ALL and even had dessert and a little bit more... oops. Probably more than I should but I enjoyed myself!

The wedding itself was awesome... lots of dancing so still burning calories lol. The next day I spent a relaxing time on the beach with my husband, sister, brother in law, 2 nieces and my cousin. It was great... we got to show off our Beach bodies hehe. I had also planned ahead of time to have my last cheat before I got back to my serious training schedule. We went to this Hawaiian place and had Chicken Katsu, BBQ beef and white rice. OMG I haven't had white rice in FOREVER! Did not eat it all as it was really filling, but yes.. this also just happened lol.

All in all... great weekend. But now time to get serious and get back to work!!

But question was, is it doable to train and travel. Doable but hard... you just gotta plan to succeed and you will be successful!

Progress photos coming up at the end of this week when i'll be 12 WEEKS OUT!! Oh boy!

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