Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What is a Beachbody Coach?!

I get asked this so many times! What is it and what do you do? How are you my coach if we don't live near each other?

What A Beachbody Coach Isn't:
        Being a Beachbody coach isn't somebody that just signs people up and waits to get rich off of everybody that has signed up below them. This is not a pyramid scheme. I don't get rich by signing up a bunch of people and watching them sign up more people and I get all the money. Not like that at all. It is hard work and whatever effort you are putting into it, you will get back. So if you aren't willing to put in the time and effort, you aren't going to succeed. This is not a "Get Rich Overnight" gig. You start little and work your way through progress.

I have done Insanity, P90X, and T25 and also drinks Shakeology daily. I also follow a clean eating lifestyle. I do not SELL anything except for a healthy lifestyle that is based upon the principles of eating whole natural foods and regular exercise. Of course with what I do, I do promote Beachbody products but I share with you the benefits of how my successes have come from the programs that I have done. I have tried them and I have learned that if you do follow the programs, results will come. I not only have transformed my own life physically but I now have a more positive outlook on life. I surround myself with individuals that have done the same and want to pass along this wealth of information to others.

I had a friend approach me on Facebook asking if I'd like to join in on one of her challenge groups that she was running? I declined at first because I was already training for a marathon at that time. I also thought to myself, "Why do I need a challenge group? I know how to workout!" Anyways, the marathon was finished but I just remember seeing her posts daily about her challenge groups, her progress with her programs and seeing amazing motivational quotes from her daily. She finally posted her transformation photos from the program she was following and I was AMAZED! She really stuck with it and the results show it. I researched Beachbody and what challenge groups entailed. I researched what a coach was and I was hooked. I messaged her right away and signed up! I co ran my first challenge group with my sponsored coach and I can't believe how great I feel motivating others while keeping myself motivated as well. The advice and tips that I've learned from other coaches on my team is endless and I just want to pass on the knowledge that I have learned and help everyone succeed in their our fitness goals. Whether it be to lose weight, tone or just live a healthier lifestyle. Whatever it may be, I want to be that person to help inspire and let them see their full potential.

What are the benefits of being a coach?
  • You receive a 25% commission on anything somebody buys from Beachbody using one of your links.
  • You can create a team of coaches as well. You can create business based off of a team of people who are passionate about the same things that you are or individuals that want to grow a business!
  • You receive 25% discount on all Beachbody products including merchandise. For example, Shakeology is $130 per month. As a Beachbody coach, you pay $97 per month. Great savings because you will most likely be using Shakeology daily as a coach.
  • You get paid weekly, every Thursday through direct deposit
  • No inventory to carry, Beachbody takes care of everything
  • Access to an entire team of experts on health and fitness
  • Access to marketing materials and guidance on how to build your business
  • Get paid to be fit and learn

You succeed at being a Beachbody coach by putting the needs of others first. By reaching out to people and offering your support and guidance. I find out what their goals are and why they are doing this in the first place. I determine their "why". If they are ready to commit, I enroll them in one of my exclusive private Challenge groups. That is the place where I have day to day contact with them where I can support, motivate and encourage them to start and finish a fitness program. I provide them with tips and recipes plus all sorts of strategies to get into shape. To succeed you follow the structure of inviting people to a challenge group, enrolling them into the group, helping them succeed and then eventually people become coaches because they had great success and wants to pay it forward. You succeed by leading by example and inspiring others. Of course you don't need any certifications or degrees. You don't even have to be an expert on fitness! You just have to be motivated to get started!

If you have any questions, feel free to message me. Send me a message on Facebook!

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