Friday, April 25, 2014

Kitchen Makeover = NUTRITION SUCCESS!

So you know when you go to the grocery store they say to always shop the perimeters and avoid things in the aisle that are right at eye level?

I'm going to talk about using this same concept to makeover your kitchen, Fridge and also your pantry!!

So what does a lot of people complain about when having to prepare their own meals? They complain about having the time and that it's too expensive to eat healthy. So in order to spend less time, you gotta be more prepared! This starts by making items and tools more readily available and easy to reach for you.


1. Make items that you use on a daily basis more accessible and within easy reach.
     ~ some items that I always have handy is a measuring cup, vegetable peeler, paring knife, reusable containers and snack size plastic baggies.
     ~ Other items that you may want to be available are cutting boards, knives... etc

2. Breaking down bulk items into snack size items.
      ~ Right when you come home from the grocery store, prep your food! Divide them up into snack size bags so that you're prepared for the rest of the week. Wash and cut up your vegetables that you'll be using for the upcoming week as well. That way you'll be prepared with the portions of you food instead of just grabbing the huge bag and just munching mindlessly. It's amazing at how much we can eat when we can't eyeball the amount! And remember to check labels for serving sizes because 1 huge bag could have 5 servings instead of the 1 serving you originally thought.

3. Placing fruits, vegetables, and healthful foods and snacks at eye level so that you can see them. When you see them you're more likely to choose that!
     ~ That's right, right when you come home, wash your fruit and put it right at eye level in the fridge or the counter so that you can see them! If you stick them in the crisper drawer in the fridge, you won't see them because you have to bend down and open the drawer. SO MUCH WORK!! You know how when something is put behind closed doors, you kinda just forget about it. How many rotten items do you currently have in your fridge right now?! EXACTLY! People blame it on the healthy items for wasting their money but actually it was your fault for forgetting to eat it!

4) Remove high-fat, high-sugar temptations from the kitchen cuz you know if it's there and you're craving something sweet, you're gonna go with the old habits of grabbing that item. If it's not there, there only option you have will be to grab that apple that right in your face staring at you because you bought it!

5) Survey the refrigerator for frequently consumed foods that can be swapped out by lower fat and reduced calorie options. For example, for yogurt, I like choosing Greek Yogurt instead because it tends to have less fat and more protein! Better for increasing metabolism and keeps you full longer. Look at your dressings if you are not making your own. Look for lower fat options vs regular ones. There's always a healthier version of different of the items that you use every day that can help shave off some calories and help you in the long run. More common items that you probably use everyday condiments that add up not knowingly is ketchup, salad dressing, mayo and butter. So look for healthier alternatives.

So first of all, you'll need to get rid of the non healthy items that are in your kitchen and your pantry. YES... ALL OF IT! If it's not there, you won't have it!

Remember, you have to plan for success. If you keep items there that you normally would eat when your bored or stressed, you will eat it even without thinking. Changes are hard but you have to take that step.

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