Saturday, March 8, 2014

T25 10 Week Final Transformation


T25 is a 10 week program created by Shaun T! The program is split up into Alpha Phase for the 1st 5 weeks and then Beta Phase, the 2nd 5 weeks. Each workout was 25 minutes only. So you really had no excuses to use to not do these workouts. It was 25 minutes Monday through Friday, with the exception of Friday which was double workout days to maximize your results. If you couldn't squeeze in that 2nd 25 minute workout, it was OK to do it Saturday.

I joined this challenge not only to get more toned, more specifically my abdominal area, but I wanted to get my blood pressure in check. I have a family history of Hyptertension from both my mom and dad and I wanted to avoid medications at all cost. I had just finished training and running a marathon and my blood pressure was still hovering in the 140s/100s! Unbelievable I thought to myself. I'm not even overweight, I'm young and active. Maybe my diet could have been better but I really wasn't eating too horribly. So my goal for this challenge was to see my blood pressure drop to normal 120/80 would make me happy.

I joined a challenge group and I joined right off the bat as a Beachbody coach. I mainly joined so that I can get the discount, but I was intrigued by the business aspect as well. So I figured, I can do my challenge, get fit and learn about the business. So the requirements of the challenge was a workout program through Beachbody (my T25), drinking Shakeology once a day (its delicious by the way) and clean eating diet. I changed to vegetarian for personal preference because I read a lot of the bad stuff about animal products. And all I would have to do was post to these challenge groups daily and check in daily to make myself accountable and to cheer everybody on.

As soon as I started the program, I felt an immediate change in energy and mood. I felt more positive. I was waking up early to do my workouts. I found myself getting motivation from my challenge groups to get up and do the workouts because they were counting on me to do my part so we can all succeed. I wasn't drinking coffee anymore because the Shakeology was taking care of my cravings! No more headaches, no more crashes mid afternoon. I felt amazing!

Fast forward 10 weeks and here are my results!!

Weight: 104lbs
Chest: 34in
Waist: 26in
Hips: 31in
Arms: R-10 L-10
Thighs: R-10 L-18
Blood Pressure: 145/98

Weight: 95.4lbs
Chest: 33in
Waist: 23in
Hips: 30.5in
Arms: R-9.25in L-9.25in
Thighs: R-17.5in L 17.5in
Blood Pressure: 117/83!!!

Wanna join the T25 Challenge.. Check out my link below!

Goals reached and I couldn't be more PROUD!! I'm finishing up this month with the Gamma Phase which is 4 weeks and my next challenge is p90x3 for the next 90 days!!!


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